How To Railroad Train Basic Authentication Setting Inward Soapui Testsuite Project

This post service assumes that you lot already convey soapUI installed on your motorcar amongst testCases as well as testSuite.

Our work is when nosotros convey several testCases within a testSuite that needs to travel authenticated amongst BASIC. There are three ways equally described here: Method i works, simply method ii as well as three failed for me.

So my workaround is to laid the "Authorization" variable inward the header amongst an encoded username:password value.

Basically what you lot volition come across inward the header is:

Authorization: "BASIC xxx"

Where 30 is equally described above. To encode a username as well as password you lot tin use:

import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.teststeps.* import*;  StringToStringMap headers = novel StringToStringMap(); headers.put("Authorization","Basic bWV2ZW8uYWRtaW46bWV2ZW8uYWRtaW4=");  for( testCase inward testSuite.getTestCaseList() ) {"Setting basic auth for all WSDL exam requests inward exam illustration ["+testCase.getLabel()+"]")  for( testStep inward testCase.getTestStepList() ) {   testStep.getTestRequest().setPreemptive(true);   testStep.getTestRequest().setRequestHeaders(headers);  } } 
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