Since my wordpress website hosting is already expiring I decided to moved the hosting to DigitalOcean in addition to renew the domain cite inwards Godaddy.
Here's how I signal my Godaddy domain to DigitalOcean VPS hosting in addition to migrate my wordpress website:
*You must already accept a DigitalOcean occupation organisation human relationship amongst linked payment method (can live either a credit carte du jour or paypal).
*Copy all your wordpress files from Godaddy.
*Make a backup of your wordpress database.
- Create a droplet inwards digital ocean.
- Distribution = 15.04 x64
- Applications = Wordpress 14.04
- I chose $5 / month
- Follow this article to configure your server:
- Migrating your wordpress website:
- Using winscp, upload your files inwards your server's /var/www folder.
- Make certain that www-data user tin dismiss write to the folders where it needed to, for example uploads. Note: role chmod. Note past times default the uploaded files are owned past times root, role chown in addition to alter the ownership to www-data.
- >chown www-data:www-data /var/www -R, alter the possessor in addition to grouping of /var/www folder from origin to www-data. This is done recursively.
- >chmod 774, agency possessor in addition to grouping (read, write, execute) spell others (read-only).
- Following the tutorial inwards #2, you lot should straightaway accept phpmyadmin installed. Restore your wordpress backup.
- We in addition to hence request to signal your domain cite to the novel ip address inwards digital ocean.
- To instruct your droplet's ip address, instruct to your digital ocean's droplet's page
- Now that you lot accept your ip address, instruct to DNS, in addition to add together a domain tape similar this:
- We are done amongst digital sea in addition to nosotros volition straightaway signal godaddy's domain to digital ocean's server.
- In Godaddy expand Domains tab.
- Chose your domain in addition to hence click Manage.
- In Settings tab, nether Nameservers click Manage.
- Setup Type=Custom, in addition to hence add together the iii nameservers below
- After adding hitting SAVE.
- You should straightaway consider the iii cite servers inwards the side past times side screen.
Wait for 5minutes, in addition to hence endeavour logging-in inwards your linux hosting, in addition to inwards the lastly run:
The ascendency to a higher house should laissez passer you lot your digital ocean's ip address in addition to cite servers.
And that's it! Your wordpress website must straightaway live running inwards digital ocean. That's inwards less than 30mins :-)
Common problems I've encountered:
- 2 widget were broken, request to laid the content again
- some folders are non writeable when I uploaded request to execute chmod.
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