Put An Html Site Map Page On Your Site, As Well As Operate An Xml Sitemap File

A unproblematic site map page alongside links to all of the pages or the close of import pages (if y'all have hundreds or thousands) on your site tin laissez passer notice move useful. Creating an XML Sitemap file for your site helps ensure that search engines discovery the pages on your site.

A unproblematic site map page alongside links to all of the pages or the close of import pages  Put an HTML site map page on your site, together with role an XML Sitemap file


  • letting your HTML site map page perish out of appointment alongside broken links
  • creating an HTML site map that exactly lists pages without organizing them, for event past times subject

Have a useful 404 page

Users volition occasionally come upward to a page that doesn't be on your site, either past times next a broken link or typing inwards the incorrect URL. Having a 404 widget that y'all tin laissez passer notice embed inwards your 404 page to automatically populate it alongside many useful features. You tin laissez passer notice equally good role Google Webmaster Tools to notice the sources of URLs causing "not found" errors.


  • allowing your 404 pages to move indexed inwards search engines (make certain that your webserver is configured to laissez passer a 404 HTTP condition code when non-existent pages are requested)
  • providing alone a vague message similar "Not found", "404", or no 404 page at all
  • using a pattern for your 404 pages that isn't consistent alongside the residuum of your site

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