Online Retailers Don’T Reckon Bitcoin Equally A Medium Of Telephone Substitution – Chapter[2.22] R[45-47]

Reason[45]: Online Retailers Have Stopped Accepting Bitcoin

NgeBlog Now - Online retailors who in 1 lawsuit joined the Satoshi revolution together with pledged to back upward this payment organization are straightaway forced to stride dorsum together with reconsider their decisions.

NgeBlog Now - Only iii of plow over 500 online retailers are accepting bitcoin. Merchants are straightaway reluctant to direct maintain bitcoin every bit a payment method due to its scary volatile cost together with high transaction fees.

NgeBlog Now - Online Retailers Have Stopped Accepting Bitcoin Online Retailers Don’t Consider Bitcoin every bit a Medium of Exchange – Chapter[2.22] R[45-47]

NgeBlog Now - Surprisingly simply final week, the 2nd most pop gaming shop Steam has stopped accepting bitcoin payments for games, maxim the cryptocurrency is extremely volatile together with transaction fees are way expensive.

Steam started accepting bitcoin inward Apr 2016 but simply within a year, it could non resist to direct maintain the fact that bitcoin certainly does non qualify to hold upward called a currency.
In a blog post, Kurtis Chinn, an engineer at Steam, wrote,

NgeBlog Now - "As of today, Steam will no longer back upward bitcoin every bit a payment method on our platform due to high fees together with volatility in the value of bitcoin.

NgeBlog Now - In the past times few months we've seen an increment inward the volatility inward the value of bitcoin together with a meaning increment inward the fees to procedure transactions on the bitcoin network. For example, transaction fees that are charged to the client past times the bitcoin network direct maintain skyrocketed this year, topping out at unopen to $20 a transaction final calendar week (compared to roughly $0.20 when nosotros initially enabled bitcoin)."

Note that Steam is the world's biggest gaming service, alongside 67 million monthly active players. It is the biggest competition of Sony’s PlayStation Network which has 70 Million users.

NgeBlog Now - With giant retailer's similar Steam ending its back upward for Bitcoin means, the domino lawsuit is however to offset together with the fearfulness bend of Bitcoin bubble is approaching far quicker than our estimation of 2018.

Reason[46]: Microsoft Has Stopped Accepting Bitcoin every bit Currency

NgeBlog Now - It does non halt simply alongside Steam! Year 2018 has kicking the bucket a nightmare for crypto lovers every bit Microsoft has besides stopped accepting bitcoin deposits from Dec 26th, 2017 onwards.

NgeBlog Now - Online Retailers Have Stopped Accepting Bitcoin Online Retailers Don’t Consider Bitcoin every bit a Medium of Exchange – Chapter[2.22] R[45-47]

NgeBlog Now - On a live chat alongside bitcoin team, a Microsoft employee said:

NgeBlog Now - “ From Dec 26, 2017 onwards, Microsoft is no longer accepting Bitcoin inward telephone commutation for credit on the customer’s account. The “Redeem bitcoin” link on has been removed, together with thus customers similar y'all volition no longer encounter the option. Previous redeem fault data has been removed from this post.”

NgeBlog Now - When asked why was Bitcoin removed from Microsoft payment options? The employee replied:

There are a lot of issues using Bitcoin that is why nosotros removed it.

NgeBlog Now - By a lot of issues he meant slow transactions, price volatility together with high transaction fees every bit nosotros direct maintain already discussed that are pop reasons why Bitcoin does non deserve to hold upward called a currency but rather a corporate scam that is gradually getting exposed twenty-four sixty minutes catamenia past times day.

NgeBlog Now - If y'all read the comment thread on Bitcoin intelligence blog, y'all volition encounter the frustration of bitcoin users together with what problems are they facing:

NgeBlog Now - One user said:

NgeBlog Now - Fees are a work can't role bitcoin to purchase goods alongside online stores way to expensive. Most people are already pose off alongside the role of bitcoin. Business volition piece of cake cancel this payment option. The miners are getting greedy together with thus non actually a genuine organization for the people.

NgeBlog Now - Another said:

NgeBlog Now - This is non good. Last duo of weeks I've seen alone things similar those. Steam, MS, dissimilar universities....Not good! A sign that BTC can't hold upward trusted to produce business because of the God damn volatility, that includes exponential cost increases that most of the BTC users cheer about.

NgeBlog Now - Yeah, ride the chu chu train, build money (FIAT), whilst cheering for BTC together with posing every bit BTC supporters together with anti institution fanatics...oh the hypocrisy

If giant companies similar Steam together with Microsoft does non trust Bitcoin every bit currency anymore, its high fourth dimension to wake upward together with inform all your loved ones to protect their difficult earned cash from this biggest cryptocurrency scam e'er seen inward economical history.

Reason[47]: Starbucks Will Never Accept Bitcoin every bit Currency

No reputable fellowship accepts bitcoin every bit currency, non fifty-fifty Starbucks!

NgeBlog Now - Online Retailers Have Stopped Accepting Bitcoin Online Retailers Don’t Consider Bitcoin every bit a Medium of Exchange – Chapter[2.22] R[45-47]
Bitcoin community is a globe of lies where each influencer tries to convince its users that Bitcoin is Gold together with y'all tin purchase anything alongside it. Whilst the fact is that y'all can’t fifty-fifty purchase a loving cup of Coffee using Bitcoin.

NgeBlog Now - Just late on a conference call, Starbucks Executive Chairman Howard Schultz openly expressed his views nigh Bitcoin together with said that Bitcoin is non a “legitimate” currency.

NgeBlog Now - Howard Schultz said:

NgeBlog Now - “20 or together with thus years later, together with the interrogation is... produce y'all empathise together with are y'all anticipating what could plow over alongside cryptocurrencies? And the argue I elevate this is non because I’m talking nigh Bitcoin, because I don’t believe that Bitcoin is going to hold upward a currency today or inward the future...

NgeBlog Now - I’m bringing this upward because every bit nosotros call back nigh the hereafter of our fellowship together with the hereafter of consumer behavior, I personally believe that there is going to hold upward a one or a few legitimate trusted digital currencies off of the blockchain technology. And that legitimacy together with trust inward terms of its consumer application volition direct maintain to hold upward legitimatized past times a build together with a brick together with mortar environment, where the consumer has trust together with confidence inward the company that is providing the transaction...

NgeBlog Now - There’s going to hold upward lot of winners, a lot of losers.”

NgeBlog Now - — Howard Schultz , Chairman Starbucks

NgeBlog Now - I direct maintain highlighted of import points of his utter together with thus that y'all may connect the dots to empathise what are these elites working difficult for. Indeed there volition presently hold upward one legitimate trusted digital currency, legitimized past times a brand where the consumer volition direct maintain trust together with confidence.

He simply disclosed a secret, using the magic of verbal words. He is clearly pointing towards a One World Digital Currency casted out off of the blockchain technology, legitimatized past times the banking elites together with the consumer volition deed every bit sheep every bit green to house his trust on them.

NgeBlog Now - Winners are them (Bitcoin inventors) because they direct maintain aught to unloose together with losers volition hold upward the bitcoin working degree community who are blindly putting their trust on a scam similar Bitcoin willingly.

NgeBlog Now - Read the bitcoin bubble burst department of this enquiry newspaper to empathise how each bitcoin volition unloose its value until it reaches $100 or below.

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