I Lost My Mother...

Mother: Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 give-and-take that can’t live on described fifty-fifty if you lot transform all the woods inwards the public into a pen together with the oceans into ink.  You volition withal become out of words piece listing downwards the characteristics together with qualities of this unique angel on earth.

NgeBlog Now - On eighth September, 2018, during 4:30 PM inwards belatedly afternoon, I heard my married adult woman screaming:

NgeBlog Now - “Mustafa rush up, Ammi is non responding!

NgeBlog Now - That was the fourth dimension when I was talking to a friend on telephone together with was bespeak him to pray for my woman bring upwards equally she was inwards bully pain.

NgeBlog Now - When I approached this beautiful angel, all I could encounter was a lady sleeping peacefully facing Qibla amongst her eyes closed.

NgeBlog Now - Hearing my outcry together with the outcry of everyone inwards that room, my begetter together with elderberry blood brother rushed towards us together with they were besides taken past times surprise.  What followed side past times side is something you lot tin all imagine...

NgeBlog Now - t live on described fifty-fifty if you lot transform all the woods inwards the public into a pen together with the oceans i I Lost My Mother...martyred brother Muhammad Shareef (Yama) also visited me inwards the dream together with advised me to remain strong.

NgeBlog Now - I woke upwards amongst tears together with started bespeak my wife, how come upwards I saw such a dream together with why was Mor (mom inwards pashto) bespeak me non to problem the family. My married adult woman who looked quite worried amongst tears inwards her eyes looked at me together with said:

NgeBlog Now - “Mustafa, produce you lot know what happened to you lot i time you lot slept.

NgeBlog Now - I said, “I don’t recollect anything. All I know is that I slept, saw this dream together with simply woke up.

NgeBlog Now - She told me that after when I slept, she came to wake me upwards for the dinner but my torso was non responding together with I was almost unconscious together with screaming similar a three years onetime minor fry together with sometimes laughing. I was rushed downstairs past times my eldest blood brother on his shoulders together with was taken direct to emergency ward of the infirmary past times my blood brother inwards police delineate (Munir) together with problem solid unit of measurement members. I was diagnosed to larn rid of the stress attacks together with I remained unconscious for almost 10 hours.

I was told that I acted weird fifty-fifty inwards my slumber together with would oft wake upwards inwards middle together with displace towards mom’s room looking for her.

NgeBlog Now - My status was together with thence worse that my onetime dad, wife, brother, blood brother inwards police delineate together with all the kids at dwelling were literally crying seeing me inwards such condition. They said I was inwards around comma together with extreme stress assail state.

NgeBlog Now - I came to my senses when my woman bring upwards visited me inwards my dream advising me non to problem the problem solid unit of measurement members together with my martyred late brother bespeak me to live on strong.

NgeBlog Now - The stress attacks followed the instant solar daytime also after which I was sent for spiritual healing out of metropolis where I stayed for almost a calendar week without informing whatever of my friends virtually the exact location.

NgeBlog Now - Holy Quran’s recitation together with staying away from my home, actually helped inwards getting out of that emotional state of mind.

NgeBlog Now - I never imagined I was that weak emotionally but I estimate it was the attachment I developed during those painful sleepless 20+ nights that I spent amongst my mom piece she was inwards ICU together with afterwards inwards Gastro ward. The retention of her cries, hurting throughout her torso together with burring her iv feet downwards amongst my ain bare hands, kept revolving inwards my encephalon when I slept which led to a province of affairs I explained above.


I am non certain If I or my eldest blood brother deserve to live on called a skilful boy or non but nosotros tried our aeroplane best to give all the comfort to our belatedly mother. We were ready to sell off all our properties together with donate our liver to her but the doctors denied us liver transplant equally she was diabetic together with besides weak together with aged. We tried all hospitals live on that expensive or ultra expensive, live on it a homeopathic remedy or allopathic, or live on it a spiritual i but God had His ain plans.

I am proud my woman bring upwards lived the life of a difficult working middle aeroplane woman. Who sacrificed all her life for our amend futurity together with education. If my father, blood brother or I don’t smoke cigarette or nosotros are non addicted to anything bad, the credit goes to this pious lady who protected us from all the bad of the monastic tell together with motivated us towards the skilful only.

She was simply eighteen years onetime when she lost both her parents together with she looked after her ain sisters together with brothers piece they were orphans. She was non simply my woman bring upwards but a woman bring upwards to all her iv sisters together with three brothers.


Please recollect her inwards your prayers together with also my family. God bless your dear problem solid unit of measurement together with God bless your loving mother. Treat her amongst kindness always, how of import is this living angel, inquire it from those who cause got lost her.

This was my blog diary for today where I shared the storey of my belatedly mother, together with thence that tomorrow when I die, people inquiring virtually me together with my problem solid unit of measurement members, may non immature adult woman reading this chapter that speaks virtually i bully lady who i time lived past times the elevate Bibi Habiba Zarif.

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