How To Post Together With Have Stomp Message Inwards Jboss 7.2

The next code is an instance of how nosotros tin post away post too have a stomp message amongst JBoss 7.2.

package org.meveo.util;  import; import; import; import java.util.Properties;  import javax.naming.InitialContext;  /**  * @author Edward P. Legaspi  * @since November 4, 2013  **/ world degree StompUtil {   mortal static lastly String END_OF_FRAME = "\u0000";  mortal static lastly String USERNAME = "guest";  mortal static lastly String PASSWORD = "guest";  mortal static String HOST = "localhost";  mortal static String STOMP_VERSION = "1.1";   world static void sendMessage(String destinationQueue, String message)    throws Exception {   sendMessage(STOMP_VERSION, HOST, destinationQueue, USERNAME, PASSWORD,     message);  }   world static void sendMessage(String destinationQueue, String username,    String password, String message) throws Exception {   sendMessage(STOMP_VERSION, HOST, destinationQueue, username, password,     message);  }   world static void sendMessage(String stompVersion, String url,    String destinationQueue, String username, String password,    String message) throws Exception {   if (url != aught && !url.isEmpty()) {    HOST = url;   }   // Step 1. Create a TCP socket to connect to the Stomp port   Socket socket = novel Socket("localhost", 61613);    // Step 2. Send a CONNECT frame to connect to the server   String connectFrame = "CONNECT\n" + "accept-version:" + stompVersion     + "\n" + "host:" + HOST + "\n" + "login:" + username + "\n"     + "passcode:" + password + "\n" + "request-id:1\n" + "\n"     + END_OF_FRAME;   System.out.println("sending message to queue=" + destinationQueue);   sendFrame(socket, connectFrame);    String reply = receiveFrame(socket);   System.out.println("response: " + response);    // Step 3. Send a SEND frame (a Stomp message) to the   // jms.queue.exampleQueue address amongst a text torso   String queueMessage = "SEND\n" + "destination:" + destinationQueue     + "\n" + "\n" + message + END_OF_FRAME;   sendFrame(socket, queueMessage);   System.out.println("Sent Stomp message: " + message);    // Step 4. Send a DISCONNECT frame to disconnect from the server   String disconnectFrame = "DISCONNECT\n" + "\n" + END_OF_FRAME;   sendFrame(socket, disconnectFrame);    // Step 5. Slose the TCP socket   socket.close();  }   mortal static void sendFrame(Socket socket, String data) throws Exception {   byte[] bytes = data.getBytes("UTF-8");   OutputStream outputStream = socket.getOutputStream();   for (int i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) {    outputStream.write(bytes[i]);   }   outputStream.flush();  }   mortal static String receiveFrame(Socket socket) throws Exception {   InputStream inputStream = socket.getInputStream();   byte[] buffer = novel byte[1024];   int size =;    byte[] information = novel byte[size];   System.arraycopy(buffer, 0, data, 0, size);    String frame = novel String(data, "UTF-8");   provide frame;  }  } 
And below is how you lot would telephone telephone the utility:
StompUtil.sendMessage("jms.queue.test", "hello world!"); 
To have the message
@Inject @TestQueue mortal Queue testQueue;  @Inject mortal Connection connection; //...... Session session = connection.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE); MessageConsumer consumer = session.createConsumer(testQueue);  connection.start();  TextMessage messageReceived = (TextMessage) consumer.receive(5000); System.out.println("Received JMS message: " + messageReceived.getText()); 
The producer degree
public degree Resources {   @Resource(mappedName = "java:/ConnectionFactory")  mortal ConnectionFactory connectionFactory;   @Resource(mappedName = "queue/test")  @TestQueue  mortal Queue testQueue;   @Produces  world Connection createConnection() throws JMSException {   provide connectionFactory.createConnection();  }   world void closeConnection(@Disposes Connection conn) throws JMSException {   conn.close();  }   @Produces  @TestQueue  world Queue getTestQueue() {   provide testQueue;  }  } 
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